Sunday, July 30, 2006

Kinder Surprise

I have been to kinder now for 3 weeks. My first day i wasn't nervous, i was just so looking forward to it. Mum and Eloise dropped me off ( i would have liked dad to be there too but he was working ). Mum thought she would cry but it ended up being my sister crying because they were leaving me there, mum therefore laughed at her. I have done lots of things and made lots of friends already. The teacher told mum i could probably run the craft times in class, but i will leave that up to them. I think next week i might do something for aunty Shan and send it up to her. Hooroo. Love Izabella.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Ahhh, we have broadband

Finally, the day has come when we can now have quicker everything. Mum and dad can now do their thing. And we can be shown on our own blog site. Hello to everyone who is visiting our site and i hope mum will do some more soon as this is just a start.