Saturday, March 17, 2007

Make Up Is Fun

Izabella got some make up for her birthday from Indy and Bron. It's so much fun especially painting your sister's face. Aren't we just the super models of our time. Love Izabella and Eloise -xxx-

My Little Accident

I love izabella taking me on the gokart but just a few weeks ago she was rather busy looking somewhere else when she was driving. So you could guess what happened, we smashed into the gate post SMASH. I ended up with a nice looking lump on my eye which daddy fixed with a face washer and then it turned red, purple and black over the next few days. Luckily it has gone now and I look cute again. Although I did have an accident last night and fell over cutting my lip and nose. Oh well accidents happen. Love Eloise.-xxx-

Our New Chooks

Hi everybody. Our daddy got new chooks. They are beautiful and we love going collecting their eggs and feeding them. We have a clucky chook and it sits in the nest all day long. We should get some eggs with baby chooks in them. Love Izabella and Eloise -xxx-

Monday, March 12, 2007

Kinder Again

I know I am big but why do I have to go to kinder. I have more fun at home with mum and Eloise (or so I think). Mum says that I have lots more fun at kinder with my friends but I do miss mum when I am there. Don't worry I suppose I will get used to it. Love Izabella -xxx-

I Am A Beautiful Fairy

I don't need to say anymore!!!!!

Love Eloise -xxx-

I Have My Own Big Bed

Can you believe it, I have my own big bed and I love it. And guess what I sleep in it ALL night long and don't wake up as much as I did in my cot. I think my mum and dad should have got it for me long time ago. (thanks Elisha for your old bed, it's great) I have farm animals on my doona with scarecrows on it too. I am so excited. But if I am naughty my cot is still in my room and I would have to go in there so I am being good. Love to all. Eloise -xxx-

Thursday, March 08, 2007

I Get Up To Mischief

I don't know what makes me do it. When ever i see cream I just think that it needs to go on my face, and I mean all over my face. I think I do a pretty good job but mum often growls and makes me wipe it off. Mum's who'd have em. Love Eloise -xxx- (Just joking mum, I love you lots).

Thursday, March 01, 2007

It's Been Awhile

Hello to everyone. I think that my mum has been busy with lots of things since we blogged last. But today she has a few minutes to help me share a few stories. I have done lots of things since my birthday. I have stayed at aunty Kaz's (where i got another party), she brought me and Eloise an umbrella and I got more birthday presents. We still love to dress up as you can see and the last dress up was with Amelia who stayed at my house ALL day even when I was at kinder. The weather has been hot and we have played lots outside which I love to do. I will help mum find more photos of us and put up a few more. Great to be back. Love to everyone. Izabella -xxx-