Thursday, February 07, 2008

Our Holiday

We all went on a christmas holiday in our new camper trailer to Portarlington. It was so fun. We got to go swimming everyday, got to bed really late and we slept on bunks, izabella on top and eloise on bottom. We even went to the carnival where dad had a ride on the teacups with us (mum didn't want the baby to get dizzy) we think dad liked it more than us!!! We are hoping that we go away again soon, even with our new baby. We all had fun, fun, fun. Love Izabella and Eloise -xxx-

Izabella's Adventures

Hi everyone boy have i been busy. I finished kinder and santa came to kinder. One of the photos is my graduation photo (see if you can pick it). Santa came on Christmas day and left us some really great presents. Aunty Shan i got a new hair brush, billabong hat, Dora nightie and shortie pj's with my money and i don't have any left. I also had a birthday and had sooo much fun. Mum made me a cake on the day of my birthday and i had both my nanny's, pa and poppy around for tea. Then a couple of days later i had all my friends come to funbugs for a party, cake and a play. It was so much fun we didn't want to leave, amelia, zach, aunty paula, nanny and us were the last to leave. Now i am a big school girl and am far to busy to be doing much other than school, although i do slip in a few games with eloise when i get home and i always have time for cuddles with my mum and dad. Hopefully soon enough my new baby will be waiting for me when i come home from school and i can enjoy cuddles. Lots of love Izabella -xxx- Mum will put my school photo on very soon for you all to see. -xxx-

Eloise's Adventures

Just a few. Can you see how long my hair is no, mum can even make it frizzy, and i love getting my hair done i don't even grumble like izabella. Santa was so much fun i really like him. Aunty Shan i got a new billabong sun hat with some of my money and mum has put the rest away until i find something really special. I got my face painted at dad's christmas party, mum didn't come because she had a big ride to melbourne in an ambulance and we only talked to her for 4 1/2 days ( i missed her sooooo much ). Love Eloise -xxx-

Welcome Back To Us

Well we suppose you all thought we had disappeared. Not really we have just been really busy. Since we last blogged kinder has finished, santa has been, Izabella turned 5 and our mum's tummy has grown so we think that means that the baby has grown too. First off we have got an updated picture of how big we both are now, then mum will put on some photos of different events that have happened. Hope you enjoy having us back.
Love to you all. Izabella and Eloise -xxx-