Friday, September 29, 2006

Amelia's Birthday

Guess what, Amelia turned 3 and she even had a party. Mum drove us to her house and we got to play with lots of kids, eat lots of party food, help open presents and there was even a beautiful cake to have and sing happy birthday. We had the most fun, wonder when the next birthday party is? Amelia looked like she had fun also and we just want to say thanks for inviting us to your party, we will really come again next time it happens again. Love you Amelia, Love Izabella and Eloise -xxx-

Can We Enter Grand Prix's

You will never guess who visited our place and dropped off something really special. SANTA, yes that's right Santa has come early. Mum and dad told us one day that Santa had rang them and said that he needed to drop off one of our christmas presents early. His sleigh was going to be too heavy on christmas so he needed to come. And we got the biggest surprise when we went looking, IT WAS A GOKART. Our very own. And we can drive it on our own. There's been a few crashes but nothing to get worried about (although when nanny Wil saw she couldn't watch for awhile). We love it and sometimes we even give mum and dad a dink. We can't wait till Amelia or Indy or someone comes in it too and sees how much fun it is. Aunty Shan will love it when she sees it. We love Santa SOOOOOOO much and say thank you to him if he ever looks at this. Wonder if a man called Michael Shoemaker wants us to help him drive ( we think that's his name). Happy revving. Love Izabella and Eloise and our gokart -xxx-

Away With Our Cousins

When we were in QLD we got to do all cool things with our cousins. We played, played and played. Oh we also swam (or paddled) , actually I got to be a life person to mind the swimmers and Eloise sunbaked with Indy. We all got to ride on a train into the markets and it was our very first time on the train, we were excited. Too many things happened and I still talk about them now. Love to everyone, Izabella -xxx-

Friday, September 22, 2006

Up, Up and Away

This is some pictures of us on the jetstar aeroplane ride we took to get to Queensland to see our Uncle Mick for his birthday. He didn't know we were coming so it was a big surprise. We loved the plane especially the landing part, Izabella got sooooo excited mum and dad thought that I was going crazy. We were very good on the plane even though it was a long time. Mum says she will show everyone some photos of when we were away very soon. Love to you all. Izabella and Eloise -xxx-

My 2nd Birthday

I was the luckiest girl for my birthday. Firstly NOBODY told me it was my birthday (although I do remember mum and dad whispering to me), then when I found out it was, can you believe it, I was in a different state. I had been on an aeroplane and was now with my cousins. I had a birthday cake there (then got sick, yuck) and when I finally got home my Nanny and Poppy and Nan and Pa came to my house and we had tea and ANOTHER birthday cake. Nanny made this cake and it was the best ever. It was Wally, Wally, Wally, Wally, Wally. She also bought me the cutest puppy dog outfit and I look gorgeous. I got lots of things and even today I got something and my birthday was ages ago. Mum, dad and Izabella gave me the dorothy towel and I think I have used it every night since, although I think mum has sneaked it away for a wash. I LOVE BIRTHDAYS and I want to have lots more. Love Eloise -xxx-

Thursday, September 21, 2006

My Cousin Lachie

One day when Izabella was at kinder, my mum told Aunty Clare that she would look after Lachie. That meant that I (me, Eloise) could help mum all by myself look after Lachie. It also meant that we could play lots of games together, on our own while my sister was away. YIPEE. We ate lots, chased the chooks, picked up lots of rocks and ran for what seemed like miles. I had sooooo much fun and I think Lachie did too because he didn't even cry, not even when my mum said he was getting tired. (Oh Izabella did get to play as well when she got home from kindy. Talk more soon, Love Eloise -xxx-

Feet, Glorious Feet

Hello, just thought I would show everyone how big my feet look (especially wrinkled in the bath). Also just because mum and I like this photo because it does look like I have huge feet. Daddy took this photo and I think he should be a photo man because he is good at taking our photo. Love Izabella -xxx-

More Dress Ups

Again mum was at work and it was only two more sleeps till we went on our holiday. So we were EXCITED and dad could tell. We were very active these last couple of days and also excited because daddy was home from work with us. Let us tell you we had lots of fun but also got into some trouble for being a wee little naughty. Love Izabella and Eloise -xxx-
(Mum says the photos of our holiday are coming)