Friday, October 13, 2006

No, My Day at the Zoo

Well i went to the zoo too with my mum and dad and sister. My favorites things were the lions (which i wanted to touch) and the ice cream. I can't wait to go back either because i had soooo much fun too. Love Eloise -xxx-

My Day at the Zoo

When daddy had his rostered day off he promised me that we could go to the zoo. The day arrived and the weather was beautiful, so we headed for the zoo. We looked at everything but my favorites were the monkeys with the red bottoms (mum calls them baboons) and the bears. I don't know what it was but the butterflies in the hot house they just loved to land on my hat, everytime i turned around, there was another one. Phew, lucky i didn't walk out with one still on my hat. Aunty Paula, Amelia and Zach also met us there and it was soooooo much fun, i couldn't believe they came. Daddy was abit sad though because the chimps were moving house and we could not see them, but secretly everyone else was happy because that means we have to go back. YIPEE. Love Izabella -xxx-

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Elisha's Deb Ball

On saturday night we went to Elisha's deb. She wore a beautiful dress and was soooo lucky because she got to hold hands and dance with my boyfriend all night. Cam looked great. We got to eat snacks ( drink fizzy ), dance,dance, dance and the best part was staying up really late. I went to bed at 1 oclock, Eloise fell asleep at the deb. And when we got home we saw a party on the oval and the police came and people lit a fire and the firemen came. Oh i had fun, wonder if Elisha wants to do it again????? I would love to go again. And everyone slept at Kaz's it was great. I love going to Kaz's and uncle Greg's house. Love to everyone, especially Cam. Izabella